
What Our Clients are Saying about SRIS Inventory Auditing

"SRIS has the work ethic and integrity to get us the numbers we need"

“Foster’s Food Fair, Ltd. has been using SRIS for the company’s inventory auditing since 2010. We use SRIS every quarter to do four of our locations by scans and four other locations by financial. I personally find SRIS to have integrity and good work ethics and am pleased to recommend them!”

Ullises Gomez
Foster’s Food Fair

"SRIS is quick to respond and flexible to adapt to changes we make to our process and systems."

“We have been using SRIS the entire time I have been with MAPCO and even consolidated all of our auditing services to SRIS.  As we rolled out our proprietary perpetual inventory system, SRIS adapted their process and equipment to accommodate our system.   We often find ourselves brainstorming together on ideas to make the process or results better.”

Brian Veasman

"SRIS not only counts accurately, but can do analysis to help ensure we are on top of your inventory results each and every time."

“SRIS has been our external audit service for over 20 years. I have confidence in their accurate counts and they supply the absolute best customer service. Anytime I have questions I receive a return phone call or email within minutes, not hours or days! It is the attention to detail, the ability and knowledge they are able to share with their customers that stands out for me. I would recommend SRIS for anyone looking or needing an inventory audit service. They have always been there for us, and treat your audit experience like it is their audit, with knowledge, understanding and know-how.”

Lynn Wicker
Sanford Shared Services Circle K

Do you have confidence that your inventory audit numbers are right?

Contact Us for a Free Assessment Today!
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